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Small Folk Unit Four: Children of Starlight

Small Folk Unit Four: Children of Starlight


“Children of Starlight” is the fourth unit of The Small Folk Learning Series: an early years homeschool curriculum for children 3-5 inpsired by Waldorf, Chalotte Mason and Reggio Emillia. It integrates early math, literacy, science, and nature studies through a gentle holistic approach. This unit focuses on light and celebration during this dark time of year. As we head towards the winter solstice, we are pulled in many directions as many cultures and religions celebrate their most important holidays during this time of year. 

  • What's Included

    Along with the teacher’s guide, the following items are included with this set: Fairy Tales for Small Folk Part Four: Early Winter, Part Four of Simple Stories for Small Folk (A Collection of Songs, Short Stories and Verses for Nursery and Kindergarten), and The Printables, Props, and Playthings Pack for this unit. Each of these components and how to use them are described in more detail in the welcome letter. 

  • How The Series is Laid Out

    The Small Folk Learning Series is divided into nine learning units, including three for Autumn, three for Winter, and three for Spring. There is also an additional summer edition with optional activities and ideas. Each unit is designed to take one month. The series is designed so you can "jump in" at anytime, and do not need to start at the beignning of the school year, or do the units in order. 


    Golden Days: Late Summer/Early Autumn (Available Now)

    Farm, and Feast: Mid Autumn (Avaible Now)

    An Enchanted Autumn Forest: Late Autumn (Avaible Now)



    Children of Starlight: Early Winter (New Arrival!)

    Winter Magic: Mid Winter (Tentatively TBR January of 2024)

    Light Awakens: Late Winter (Available Now)



    The World’s Rebirth: Early Spring (Tentatively TBR March 2024)

    Earth, and Water: Mid Spring (Tentatively TBR April 2024)

    My Magical Garden: Late Spring  (Tentatively TBR May 2024)



    Summer Dreaming: An additional guide with activities and inspiration for summer learning (Arrival date TBA)


  • Please Note

    This is a digital ony product. We are not able to offer a printed version at this time. However, of you do not have access to a printer, most of the materials can be read on a computer or tablet. We also recommend that you go through the printables pack and select the pages you would like to print individually, rather than printing the whole thing. 

    Due to the instant nature of digital products, we are not able to offer refunds, but please reach out if you need help accessing your materials. 

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