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Celebrate Spring

Celebrate Spring


This time of year is all about anticipation. We are watching and waiting actively. In ancient more agrarian times, this time of year was extremely busy and full of preparation. Even now if you grow your own food or keep farm animals, you are probably using this time to plant seeds indoors, tend your animals as they prepare to give birth, and plant your garden. Spring is a time of creative energy building to a great crescendo. In the first weeks of this unit we focus inspiration, building, and creating. We also learn about African culture through traditional folktales and black stories. Then, we celebrate the equinox and look at all the ways new life is coming forth. We end the unit on a lighter note celebrating spring as a trickster. We have in many ways come full circle from the beginning of the school year when we discussed how nature prepared for its long winter sleep and plants sent out their seeds. Now those seeds that have waited all winter long are awake and sending our roots as they prepare to sprout and grow. Trees’ buds are about to open, birds are beginning their journey home, and if it isn't already, very soon, the sap within the trees will begin to flow.

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