Waldorf is a beautiful homeschool approach. Even if you don't homeschool Waldorf style one hundred percent of the time, there are so many enriching aspects of Waldorf education that can be integrated into just about homeschool approach. If you are a home educator who loves creating a beautiful homeschool environment, prioritizes nature and the arts, and tries to approach education in a holistic way, you have probably encountered Waldorf homeschool resources and ideas, and most likely you have been impressed by them. However, whether you have decided to Waldorf homeschool exclusively or have just tried to integrate some Waldorf homeschool resources and methods into a more eclectic homeschool style, you have no doubt realized that Waldorf homeschool resources can get pretty pricy, pretty quickly.
If you have been following my own homeschool journey whether through this blog, instagram, pinterest, facebook, or somewhere else, you probably know by now that I am all about free resources. I mean, we all love fancy new exciting curriculum, but we all also have limited budgets, an I really firmly believe homeschooling shouldn't have to break the bank. That is one of the reasons I created This Lovely Day, I wanted homeschoolers of all walks of life and background to have access to beautiful, high-quality resources, and I believe Waldorf homeschool, is truly beautiful. So, without further ado, let's dive right into my favorite free and low-cost resources for Waldorf Homeschool.

If You are New to Waldorf Homeschool:
Waldorf homeschool as I have mentioned is absolutely beautiful, but it has a lot of moving parts, and if you are just jumping in you might yourself getting intimidated, or asking what some of the terms or concepts you see are. I recommend you check out The Art of Homeschooling's Blog Post: Getting Started with Waldorf Homeschooling. This blog post is wonderfully thorough, and will fill you in on all the basics of what Waldorf homeschool is without you needing to spend a dime. If you read through the post and love it, and feel ready to dive right in with Waldorf homeschool, you might want to check out the Waldorf Homeschool Handbook, which is probably the most pricy resource on this whole list, but it is well worth the investment as it lays out pretty much everything you need to know to really get started on your Waldorf homeschool adventure. Another couple of places I recommend you begin your journey are waldorfeducation.com (home of the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America), and the Online Waldorf Library. While these last two resources aren't specifically geared towards Waldorf homeschool, you find a ton of helpful information about what Waldorf is all about.
If You Have a baby or Very Young Child and Want to Integrate Waldorf Education Into Your Journey
When I first really fell in love with the Waldorf homeschool approach, and was looking to add rhythms, songs, and more mindful, intentional Waldorf inspired practices into my daily living, Sunday with Sarah on youtube became my daily go to place for ideas and inspiration. On her videos, Sarah Baldwin sings, tells stories and with her gentle, calming and informative approach, she teaches you all about Waldorf Education for young children. She explains and answers your most common Waldorf related questions, covering topics on everything from What does the Waldorf philosophy say about extended breastfeeding? to Step by Step instructions on how to wet-on-wet watercolor with young children. So if you want to learn all about Waldorf for your little one, grab yourself a cup of tea, snuggle up with a cozy blanket and settle in for a chat with Sarah. You're going to be glad you did.

Another wonderful resource for Parents of young children is the Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America or WECAN. On their website you will find a host of free articles and guides on early childhood education the Waldorf way. As well as a bookstore.
I also want to mention how helpful I find it to invest in good books on Waldorf homeschool. I know they can add up, so I keep a eye at Thriftbooks for deals. For a full list of my recommended titles for the early years, check out my free Homeschool Preschool Getting Started Guide.
If you have Elementary Aged Children or Middle School and Need Ideas for Teaching Waldorf Style Lessons
This is the part of my own journey I am perhaps the most excited to share. When I first became interested in the Waldorf homeschool approach, many of the resources I found focused on explaining what the Waldorf method was in general sense. Some of them even had practical ideas for how to integrate the Waldorf philosophy into your homeschool, others had a ton of content created by Waldorf teachers, but none of the resources I found really explained how to teach a Waldorf style lesson. I know I floundered quite a bit in my own homeschool journey before I really had a good grasp on how to teach the content I had found. Then I found A Waldorf Journey. This website, blog, and podcast is chock-full of wisdom and ideas of how to teach elementary and middle school the Waldorf way. I found the post on how to teach a main lesson to be particularly helpful, and if you do purchase one the guides, she gives you even more ideas for adapting it to learning at home. As a homeschooler being able to adjust content to fit my children's interest is a top priority, and there are so many good books and wonderful resources out there that can easily be adapted into Waldorf homeschool lessons. So having A Waldorf Journey's help in figuring out how execute the passing on of that information has been a game changer.
If You Need Waldorf Curriculum

Some of us really enjoy pulling together our own units and lesson blocks from scratch, but not everyone has that kind of time. I know many times, I haven't. The website, waldorfcurriculum.com has many amazing free resources including free lesson block guides, stories, handwork, and articles on all things Waldorf. I also want to mention Jamie York's incredible math resources, many of which are free (they can be found at waldorfcurriculum.com, but also on his website). Another wonderful resource with dictations, is a website called simply Waldorf Teacher Resources. This site is a treasure trove of content with everything from teacher created dictations, sample main lesson pages, and links to even more free resources. A final collection of gems I want to be sure to mention is The Africa Guides. These are entire lesson blocks, originally created by South African teachers, that are 100% free to download and use. All of them are listed on the blog Over in the Meadow (Where you can find even more content for Waldorf homeschool.)
If you Want to Add More of a Waldorf Aesthetic into Your Life, or Get Started With Waldorf Inspired Handcrafts
As I mentioned above, one of things I absolutely adore about the Waldorf approach is that it is more than academics. It's really a holistic philosophy that encompasses your lifestyle. That said, personally, I don't subscribe to everything the Waldorf philosophy teaches, but I do appreciate that it acknowledges that education and life are seamlessly connected. I know when I asked myself what I wanted to teach my children, I had to back up and ask what I wanted to live with them.
For me personally, I love how the Waldorf philosophy puts a huge emphasis a low technology environment, handcrafts, prioritizing ancient wisdom, and a focus on following the natural rhythm of the seasons and festivals. The Magic Onions is the perfect place to get started with all of this. For an outline of how Waldorf schools organize and teach handcrafts, check out the Wonder of Childhood.

Waldorf festivals is going to have to be its own blog post, but I will leave you with this: Start with days and celebrations that are meaningful to you and your family. The idea of celebrating the festivals the Waldorf way, is to get away from commercialization and consumerism and establish traditions connected to your own beliefs and to the earth. Start asking yourself why you celebrate the holidays you do, and go from there. Here is a blog post about festivals you may be interested in.
I hope some of these resources will be helpful for you in your own Waldorf Homeschool journey. Let me know in the comments, and feel free to share your favorite free or low cost Waldorf homeschool resources.
And Finally...
I am excited to announce the release of a Waldorf homeschool resource I created: the first lesson block guide in The Threefold Learning Series: Geology. This guide is unique in that it has everything a traditional lesson guide has, AS WELL as ideas for family style learning. So you can include all your children in the lessons. I love Waldorf, but I need to be able to combine some subjects and teach them together to make it work for us, so I decided to break some "rules." The Threefold Learning Series' unique approach allows your child to spiral through the content every three years, building on their knowledge and understanding each time.
And that's not all... For an EXTREMELY limited time I am offering my Geology Lesson Block Guide absolutely FREE
A ton of work went into creating this beautiful lesson guide, but I am really passionate about making Waldorf homeschool resources accessible, and wanted to give you the opportunity to try it for yourself. If you do try it out and love it (as I believe you will) all I ask is that you help me spread the word. Many homeschoolers look to recommendations on social media when deciding which curriculum to choose, so by letting others know how much you love the guide, you help me grow my business and make sure I am able to continue to develop new resources. But like I said, this guide is only free for a limited time, so make sure you head over right now and get it while you can!
